Brelynn Barbie: Beauty and Brains
"Giving up or quitting, was never really… an idea or option for me."

Professionally known to the public as Brelynn Barbie, Brelynn Hunt is a YouTuber that uses her platform to encourage girls to be beautiful brainiacs. To Brelynn this means, "being into fashion, makeup and hair, as well as my journey to medical school."
Brelynn confessed that she had been yearning to become a doctor since she was a small girl, emphasizing that she has always wanted to become a doctor and it "still hasn't changed."
In 2014 the young influencer decided to make a YouTube channel. She revealed that she was very fond of YouTube. In fact, she found herself watching YouTube more often than television. "I always wanted to start my own channel, but I felt like my life was too boring." Thus, Brelynn vowed that she would start a channel in college because she knew that she would be able to share her transition and new experiences with viewers. Brelynn elucidated that persistent nature and overflow of positive feedback is what motivated her to stay consistent when she was just starting out her channel.

Hunt also owns a popular brand known to many as Beauty and Brains Apparel. Brelynn explained that many people around her often said that her famous phrase “Beauty and Brains” rolled right off the tongue and could be a business or brand name. After some contemplation, Brelynn took the necessary steps to make the brand come to life as a movement instead of a business. Brelynn expressed that she did not want Beauty and Brains Apparel just to be another source of income for her, she wanted it to be more than that, to be BIGGER than that.
One of Brelynn’s many challenges include finding a balance between all her responsibilities, as well as feeling like there are not enough hours in a day for her. The influencer acknowledged these things as being a bit of a negative thing. Although she mentioned that she enjoys being busy, Brelynn always finds herself mentally and/or physically occupied with one thing or the other, which keeps her from finding time to properly rest.
“I kind of had a very shaky start to my pageant experience…” explained the Miss. National Harbor titleholder. To make a long story short, Brelynn expressed that she was very excited and ready for the experience when the opportunity was officially presented to her, “I knew what I thought a queen should be. I knew what I thought a Titleholder should be, and I knew the impact that she could make.” After Brelynn’s first pageant experience she was quickly able to pinpoint what she did and did not fancy about the pageant experience.
This led her to do some homework on pageantry and dig a little deeper to find an experience that would line up a bit better with her and her values...then she found the Miss. America organization. “From there I realized...this is exactly who I am as a person.” Although Brelynn was a Graduate student in North Carolina she decided to compete for the title of her hometown and eventually won the title of Miss. National Harbor and went on to compete for the Miss. Maryland title. Brelynn stated that participating in the pageant was an overall positive experience and plans to continue. It helped her reassess herself as an individual and her values, but it was quite a draining process.
Although Brelynn cannot give us a fully detailed sketch on her plans, she assured us that she has many big things under construction for 2020 and her near future. From school and career to YouTube and her apparel line, Brelynn wants to continue being ambitious and consistent. She also plans to further her influence and impact beyond just the internet.
Brelynn left us with these words of wisdom "Build your confidence… that way they will never talk themselves or let anybody else talk them out of something that they know that they want to do.”
Make sure to stay up to date with us & Breylnn Hunt through our social media
More Questions with Brelynn!
Said by XBlaze Magazine
Said by Brelynn Hunt
Who are you?
My name is Brelynn Hunt, I am affectionately known as Brelynn Barbie on the internet world. I am a graduate student, a YouTube content creator, dancer, pageant girl, and a business owner.
When you think of Black History, what is the first thing that comes to mind?
The sacrifices that the brave men and women made for the generations they would never see, and for the changes they would never be able to experience themselves.
When you think ‘Black Excellence’ who do you picture?
Black Excellence has been around forever, but the term has been recently coined, so I first think of millennial success stories who uplift the culture in a positive and inspiring way, through multiple avenues such as KeKe Palmer, and the historic black queens of Miss America, Miss USA, Miss Teen USA and Miss Universe who broke societal norms by all holding the biggest titles in pageantry, as black women at the same.
What is one word that describes you uniquely as an individual?
Persistence. It is the one word that frequently comes up when people describe me, and it is all because of my story. I try to be transparent, open and honest on my social platforms, especially because I know how the sin of comparison can make my life look perfect from the outside looking in, when in reality, I deal with a lot of struggles, heartbreaks, failures, and disappointments that have all had the power to make me shut down, quit, and never try again. But I will never let that be the end of my story. No matter how low things seem, or how bad things get, I will always try to see the positive side to the situation, receive motivation from it, and use it as fuel to try again, or just keep going. It is not easy to do, at all, and that is why this characteristic is one that is very unique to me.
Growing up, who were some African American figures that influenced/inspired you? Why did this person influence you? Do they still influence you?
Different spaces and times of my life call for different role models. When I first grew into my height as a black dancer, Judith Jamison an infamous Alvin Ailey dancer, reassured me that it could be done. Vanessa Williams as the first black woman to win Miss America, inspires me to follow in her footsteps. Michelle Obama influences me to be a woman of integrity because of her dedication to the success and encouragement of minorities in higher education. I did my Black History Month projects on Ruby Bridges every year as an elementary school child because her story always touched and astonished me! I use her story to inspire me to be brave when I’m in spaces that I don’t feel welcomed in while trying to further my education. Lastly, I will always receive strength from the story of Harriet Tubman. She was the fearless leader I aspire to be.
Why did this person influence you? Do they still influence you?
Some of these women were my main source of inspiration during a specific season of my life, but the power that their story gave me to succeed through that time, makes them all women who I will always cherish, admire, and receive influence from.
How do you honor Black History outside of the month of February?
As an HBCU graduate, I find myself celebrating the accomplishments of amazing black women and the paths that they have paved for me every day. But there is definitely something special about February, where all the unknown history facts are being shared over social media, and your knowledge and appreciation for your history and culture is able to grow and flourish.
How do you honor Black History outside of the month of February?
Ruby Bridges, I know so much of her story, and what she did at the time when she experienced verbal and physical racism in the pursuit of her education, however I would love to hear what she learned from the experience, what she wish she did differently, or even if history depicted things differently than her reality. Again, as a graduate student, soon to be pursuing my Doctor of Medicine, it is easy to feel like I don’t belong. Although my imposter syndrome is sometimes influenced by microaggressions, it still doesn’t compare to her experience, so much could be learned from her.
As an ambitious and confident African American woman, What advice would you give to other women chasing their dreams?
Never let anyone talk you out of chasing your dreams. There are two kinds of people in the world: people who chase their dreams, and those who are too afraid to. Do not let someone else’s fear influence your decisions, and ultimately your future. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Go for it, your future self will thank you.
What is your favorite thing about Black Culture?
Oh my goodness, so many things! I love that we are hilarious and creative, and resilient. We make ways out of what seems like no way, and we uplift each other through love, support, knowledge and understanding. Plus our food is bomb!
Are there any African countries you would like to visit someday?
Honestly, I have no idea where I would start, but I hope to visit many African countries one day. For now, I’ll choose Tanzania because I’ve heard that it is a great travel location for any African American hoping to understand a bit more about their roots.
What is your favorite movie that honors Black History month? Why are you proud to be Black?
Again, because of my Ruby Bridges obsession, I remember watching that movie every year, along with Selma Lord Selma, and I would cry every time! Recently, I watched Just Mercy, and that movie really touched me in a way that I feels depicts the Black struggle and honors Black History month as well.
Why are you proud to be Black?
I am proud to be part of such a rich and diverse culture, the descendants of people who chose to persevere, and stand up for what they believe in. Being black gives me the opportunity to prove people wrong about the common misconceptions they have about black women, our capabilities, our kindness, our meekness, our gracefulness and our intelligence.
How do you display Black Excellence?
Being a first-generation college student, and the first in my family to receive a Master’s degree, I am working to break generational curses every day, and that perseverance is exactly what Black Excellence is.
Favorite quote this month?
“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.”
- Romans 5:3-4
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