We recently had the privilege of sitting down and speaking with Kailah. Not only did she cover an array of topics in our conversation together, but the young creator was also radiating positivity and authenticity! From her first impression alone, it is clear to see that Akailah is kind, open, and welcoming, while also knowing exactly what she wants! This is our warning to you that you are about to take a deep dive into an organic and candid conversation with Kailah Shenyce.
Akailah is a 20-year-old Grenadian native raised in the Big Apple. She grew up bearing many names but decided to stick with Kailah. Originally ‘Keeping Up with Kailah’ and formerly widely known as ‘Kween Kailah’ via YouTube, the New York creator is currently going by the alias ‘Kailah Shenyce’ in an effort to be more original amongst the plethora of creators on YouTube. However, Kailah Shenyce is not just your average YouTuber! She is also an Influencer, Content Creator, and Entrepreneur who has been opportune with the ability to run a couple of businesses over the years. Presently Kailah is the Founder and CEO of a candle business popularly known as Rich Melts.

For some time, Kailah was the only child so she would often engage in a number of hobbies and creative activities to keep herself occupied and entertained. The 20-year-old elucidated that, “at one point I was baking, tried to see if I like baking. Doing makeup, just to like, figure out what I wanted to do in life.” There was even a point in Kailah’s life where she aspired to take on professions in Dance and Music. Some would say that her interests were all over the place, but this is not uncommon for those who are creatively inclined. Soon, Kailah and her cousin began to make pretend YouTube videos, they would do this to the point where they would actually upload them! Something many who say “Hey guys, welcome back to my channel” in the mirror can't say.
While Kailah was in the seventh grade her mother ended up finding her channel and was not too happy about Kailah uploading videos onto the platform, as many parents would be due to several concerns. Subsequently, Kailah had to delete all of her videos, “cause you know, Caribbean parents they’re really different from American parents, like… they're very strict, they want you to focus on school,” which Kailah made known was also the mindset of her mother. Still, Kailah did not let this redirect her interest in showcasing her personality on YouTube! When she entered her sophomore year of High School, she decided to try her hand at YouTube again since she had grown a bit more mature. This second shot is the reason we’ve come to know Kailah Shenyce over the last five years.
This time Kailah decided to take YouTube seriously and produce content consistently and her mother did not seem to “have an issue with it, once I was in high school.” Kailah accredits part of her mother's leniency to the fact that she had now gained tougher skin due to her broadened socialization and experiences with bullying firsthand while in school. The young creator also emphasized that her mother saw the passion she had. “When she sees that I have a passion for something, it's just going to be support from there.” Soon after Kailah’s commitment, sponsors and collaborations began rolling in and Akailah was reaping the fruit of her zealous labor! These advances in her journey also further rooted the support of Kailah's mom and fueled Kailah’s work ethic. Not too long after, Kailah began receiving requests from her peers asking for her guidance in building a successful YouTube channel, as well as requests to collaborate with her. This came as a surprise to us, as she mentioned that in the prior years she was teased and harassed for being fearless enough to think freely and essentially push boundaries others were afraid to. Content creation and “YouTubing” was not as popular and common during Kailah’s middle school years as it is today. Nor was it an aspiration of many. “I was getting made fun of in the seventh grade… like people would literally like, watch my videos during lunchtime… trynna, like, make fun of me— and I’m just like what is there to make fun of!” Kailah questioned with a smile. Kailah openly expressed that she used to be “a big crybaby,” verbalizing that she would often cry whenever she would get bullied or felt hurt. But these were during her middle school years; and though she is still sensitive and emotional when it comes to certain circumstances, “it's not, like, for little hate comments and stuff.” She eventually learned how to brush off the bullying and keep things pushin’.

In addition to overcoming bullying at school, harassment and cyberbullying were obstacles Kailah had to learn to overcome during her earlier years as a content creator as well. She expressed that it was a bit challenging for her to grasp an understanding of this variation of bullying. Why would people project their negative thoughts onto her simply for doing something she loved, when these viewers could easily close her video out and redirect themselves elsewhere? Yet, these individuals would choose to stay and type out negative messages. Eventually, Kailah began utilizing the delete and block buttons! The 20-year-old made it explicitly clear that “nobody's going to stop me from doing anything… no bully, no hater, none of that.” Today, Akailah expresses pride in not only staying true to herself but pushing through in face of the forces trying to hold her back.
“So, the first time [...] I went viral or like my… sub count grew tremendously — I was actually, like, at a job interview at Starbucks and it was like a box braid video that I did, my own box braids. And once that video was blowing up and my subscribers were blowing up, I honestly felt overwhelmed. Like, you would think that, you know, I would feel […] a hundred percent excited and ready to go, but I was really overwhelmed,” further detailing that, “I started YouTube because I wanted to and because I felt like it was my hobby. I wasn’t thinking about oh like, what other people were going to say or what other people want. It was just kinda like okay, I get an idea and I’ll record it.” During this time Kailah was a full-time student and working, but she did not stop posting because YouTube was a hobby of interest for her. Once she grew used to the influx of newcomers, she began filming videos that were also trending! Besides her devotion to content creation, Akailah has also worn the hat of an entrepreneur in past years!
Transitioning into Entrepreneurship
Spice Gyal Lashes was business number one which Kailah described as a Caribbean-inspired mink lash line! “So for example, there was, Golden Guyanese for Guyana; there was Gorgeous Greens for Grenada; there was Luxurious Lucian for Saint Lucia… I just wanted to [...] show love to all my Caribbean people,” and to all of her subscribers with Caribbean roots. Kailah started her business in 2020 but openly expressed that Spice Gyal Lashes was not performing or expanding as efficiently as she would have liked. She soon came to the conclusion that “the lash business wasn’t for me.” A few months later, she invested time and money into her own boutique business where she sold clothes and accessories. As we mentioned before, one of the many things we admired about Akailah during our conversation was her sincerity and authenticity. The 20-year-old creator revealed that her venture into retail was not one of her best business endeavors. “Honestly it was a waste of money,” Kailah elucidated. Inventory would frequently take longer than anticipated to arrive and she would also often find herself with unwanted items, as her vendors would send her inventory that did not correspond with her requests. She eventually let go of this venture, despite its steady growth. “I was getting orders, but again, this was a buying clothes and then reselling it type of business— and I wanted to do something more unique.” Two businesses later, Kailah finally found a spark for candle making and began Rich Melts.
Kailah not only found herself indulging in candle making videos during her downtime, but also realized that she owned quite a bit of candles and other smell-good items too. One day she thought to herself, “maybe I should start a candle business— but make it more original!” The entrepreneur decided that instead of buying premade candles or wholesale, she would make everything by hand. From melting and infusing the candle wax to labeling each jar and package by hand! “So I started Rich Melts because I really do love candles and just learning the process of making it, the trial and error part of it, it was really fun to me. Like, that is a business that I really enjoyed. You know like, having and really, like, making candles, I enjoy doing it.”
Kailah really emphasized that she found no enjoyment from simply reselling, however now that she can create her own products from scratch, she’s truly found enjoyment from entrepreneurship that she did not have before. Consequently, the Grenada native made it clear that she would rather own and run a business where she is permitted to apply her creativity directly into her products. “Now I get to… sell you guys […] my little handmade products,” Kailah explained with a big smile that spoke volumes about just how much pride and joy Rich Melts brings her!
Rich Melts is currently re-branding due to multiple counts of brand identity theft, which is very unfortunate, as this is a common issue for many small and growing businesses. In addition to re-branding, Rich Melts’ CEO revealed that she is also doing research and actively working to expand her business and transform Rich Melts into a luxury candle business! Though she did not explicitly disclose when we can expect Rich Melts to unveil itself, we would urge all candle lovers to stay on high alert as the colder seasons approach! We’re keeping our fingers crossed that Rich Melts might just give us something to add to our holiday wish list. In addition to owning the titles of a YouTube Content Creator, Influencer, and Entrepreneur, Kailah Shenyce recently shared another piece of what she has to offer with her supporters nearly a year ago after some hesitancy.
Tapping Into Her Musical Roots
Kailah has been interested in the art of music since she was about six or seven years old. She explained that she has a very musically inclined family with relatives who are a part of the industry, hence she developed an intimate connection with music early on. She recalls singing at family functions and being gifted a guitar when she was eight, but she said she “didn’t really put to use.” Little did Kailah know that her musical roots would eventually resurface.
In the midst of a breakup, she decided to release a song she had written a year prior. “I was kinda going through a hard time, and it was just— I felt like it was my time to really like do what I wanna do, and not let no heartbreak or anything stop me.” Subsequently, Kailah got herself into a studio and began formulating her single Kween Sh*t, a song that gives a whole lot of Independent, Confident and Bossy energy! “I blowed… a couple people away, so […] it made me really happy,” she said with a smile, “just dropping a song… it was cool to me but…I don’t really think, or know, if music is something I want to permanently do.” Kailah elaborated that the music industry is not something she is yet ready to step into. She said she does not see herself pursuing music in a vigorous nature or producing numerous tracks, music videos, and touring. Her ideal preference is to continue committing herself to YouTube and engage in “music as a extracurricular activity in my life.”
The ‘Kween Sh*t’ rapper expressed that she still has a number of songs sitting away in her vault of work, studio ready! However, she explained that when she gets “the confidence again,” she will, “definitely go back and record” them as well. This gives hope to a lot of listeners who enjoy Kailah Shenyce's rapper side and still have her single on repeat.

Everything That Glitters Isn’t Gold
Content Creation has become a highly desired and rapidly growing profession over the last seven years, especially on YouTube and a number of other social platforms alike. Many people are captivated by the idea of making money online at their own suitability and control, however, the downsides are often overlooked and rarely mentioned. The YouTuber and Influencer expressed that one of the not-so-favorable strings that come with being a public content creator includes the entitlement viewers and followers feel they have over one’s affairs. Thus, Kailah is mindfully selective of what she shares with her audience! Though all of her viewers do not carry this nature, there are still some who take an inch and stretch it into a mile. It is important to mention that this is a common issue for many creators who have opened themselves to the public, especially lifestyle niche creators as they are regularly expected to be transparent with their viewers. Yet many creators, like the Grenadian native, find the entitlement undesirable. When questioned on the subject Kailah voiced that she thinks it is, “really annoying because like, you never know what a person is going through off cameras, behind the scenes. So, to like, really insert yourself into somebody else’s relationship, family problems, whatever the case is, it’s just like,” she proceeded to scrunch her face up a bit with a shrug before finishing her statement with, “I just don’t like that.”
Kailah expressed that some creators often put a bit more information than necessary online, which in turn causes their audience to be curious, but she tries to avoid getting the public involved in her private life, further elaborating that “If I’m like, ‘I’m single, I’m no longer in a relationship.’ I feel like your supporters should just take that as an answer and not try to ask follow up questions because… I didn’t give more information so you shouldn’t be trynna ask for more information if I didn’t give it.” Through experience Kailah has also noted that many people that like to dig for more information or peer into your business are incredibly young, hence she chooses to ignore certain things in an effort to avoid disrespecting any of her supporters since they do not know any better. “If it was my little sister on the internet… I don’t want them to clap back at her and curse at her or anything like that.”
Pursuing Passion & Education: Obstacles & Goals
Something Kailah has chosen to openly share with us, and a number of her supporters include her educational journey. Many subscribers came to find Kailah in her high school years and were ready to follow her through college experiences, however, the year 2020 came and threw everyone’s plans for a spin. Kailah explained that it was expected of her to go to college by herself and her family. College was something she was excited about and looked forward to, hence why she decided to commit to an institution and attend!
The first year went well for Kailah! Not only was she performing exceptionally well academically and earning placement on her institution's Dean’s List, but she was also very steady with creating content for her channel. Then the pandemic hit during the second year of her college career. This unfortunately had a negative impact on Kailah, as it did on many students. The following Fall, lockdown orders were lifted but there were many guidelines and restrictions implemented during this time, as this was part of the initial phases of reopening. “My college specifically was just like so boring, so draining. Like, it was nothing compared to Freshmen year at all […] we couldn’t all be in the same place at once and it was just really boring to me.” So, Kailah decided to relocate off campus and simply take classes online instead, this did not go as planned either. It was around this time that Kailah decided to take a break from her academic expedition. “I would say that my mom was kinda […] lenient with my decision because like, she knows that I have a solid income and I have a solid career that I want to pursue.” Kailah’s mother has also been there and done that! Recently having graduated, Kailah’s mom took breaks as needed because she understands the intensity of pursuing education at a higher level.

Currently, Kailah is working on balancing everything in her life, as well as educating herself through reading and experience via travel. But the 20-year-old made it clear that school is definitely still a part of her life plans, “cause I still want a degree sometime in my life, but it’s going to have to be a hundred percent online because I don’t want to have to go into a classroom full of sophomores, being like the oldest student in the class. I don’t want to do that,” she explained with a smile, “so when I do decide to go back to school it's going to be a hundred percent online, your girls gonna graduate, and I’m gonna finally like, feel accomplished.”
Gems for Success
Kailah’s advice to other aspiring creators would be to be themselves and authentic. She explained that people will be able to note if you are not giving genuine energy. Consistency was another thing Kailah said was very essential when it comes to pursuing content creation. “Once you’re gaining an audience and gaining subscribers, they're relying on you to upload.” From experience, she recommends uploading a minimum of once a week. Anything less will typically result in a less engaged audience. While she spoke on the importance of consistency, she also added the importance of risk-taking with content. “Even if it’s a video that you’re unsure about posting […] your subscribers might like it! You probably don’t like it, but your subscribers do.” A tactic that can aid in learning more about your viewers’ interests. Kailah also explained that it is important to plan your videos out. For her, this allowed her content and work to flow a bit smoother than publishing impulsively. “Well, set a month… six videos for July. August, six videos for August. You might not […] be able to do all six, but if you do at least four, you’re good… four or five… you’re good.” She then went on to say “The negativity? You just have to let go of that. Don’t even read it. Like, just… once you see something— once you see a comment that doesn't start well, just don’t even finish it. Delete. Block. Do whatchu gotta do […] just don’t allow people to break you down.” It is important to remember why you are doing what you are doing and keep your eyes on the prize. Finally, her last piece of advice was to, “think outside of the box” and be authentic. There are a few original videos that Kailah uploaded and have become trendy content ideas for other creators. Therefore, she encourages people to produce unique content and not be afraid to do something that’s never been done before because that could be the video that will help them blow up.
What’s to Come for Kailah Shenyce (Take Notes!)
So, you’re probably wondering what Kailah has in store for us, especially with this rebrand. We were wondering the exact same thing, so of course, we had to ask her to spill some (exclusive) tea.

She articulated that in addition to her many plans, she would like to travel out to different states and meet some of her internet friends and ultimately collaborate with them as well. Kailah also revealed that she has discussed collaborations with people in cities like Los Angeles and Atlanta that are actually long overdue! Hence her goal is to fulfill these plans and bring the collaborations to fruition, as she is striving to encompass herself with like-minded people. Kailah Shenyce also has plans to continue the couple channel shared by her and her boyfriend as well. Excluding collaborative videos and vlogs, she also has a new original series planned out for the Fall that will cater to her viewers with natural hair! Even though we would love to give more details, we will not in an effort to ensure that her series stays original! That being said, you will simply have to stay tuned!
You can keep up with Kailah Shenyce by following her on Instagram @KweenKailah and Subscribe to her YouTube Channel! Also be sure to keep up with XBlaze Magazine via Instagram, Twitter, and our YouTube Channel!
Written by XBlaze Magazine
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