The Girls Who Brunch Lady: Ni'cola Mitchell
“It took over my life….So, now we’re here 21 cities later.”

Ni’cola Mitchell is a Publisher and Consultant. Ms. Ni’cola has written seventeen books, published a hundred and twenty-five novels, and has assisted over nine hundred authors publish their own works. She is also the proud owner and founder of the Girls Who Brunch Tour, in which Ms. Ni’cola has been opportune to touch and change the lives of over eight thousand girls around the world.
As a young girl, Mitchell did not have her mind fixed on anything particular for her future. “When I was growing up, I didn’t really know exactly what I wanted to do,” Mitchell explained that she had many interests! “...I wanted to be an artist, I wanted to be a writer,” but ironically enough, she was always told that becoming a writer would not bring in any capital.
Mitchell moved to the United States from Jamaica and expressed that off the bat, she already knew that she would have to work hard. After a while, Mitchell began to notice that she had a bit of a nerdy love for history and philosophy. Thus, she began to see a future for herself in the philosophical scene, expressing that she never would have thought that she, “would’ve had a career as a writer,” let alone become the Girls Who Brunch’s founder.
Unfortunately, when Ms. Nicola was younger, she was sexually abused on several accounts by those whom she trusted before she turned sixteen years old. During this period Mitchell was a bit introverted and kept to herself, thus she decided to keep the matter private and assumed that she merely had a problem. It was during a counseling session for her daughter that Ms. Ni’cola realized that her past trauma was influencing her in her adulthood, when the session deviated onto her.

Ni’cola had her first child five days after turning fifteen and had baby number two at nineteen. Ms. Ni’cola explained that all of these events in her life are the reasons why she always had a deep desire to mentor young girls. “I was dealing with women who had problems like me, but I didn’t really go to the root of it.” the thought of this is what made Ni’cola decided that she wanted to stop problems in women before they even started by working with younger girls. After miscarrying at seven and a half months and losing her mother two weeks after, Nicola realized that life was too short and that she had to act now! Originally, the intent was for Girls Who Brunch to be a two-city event added on to her regular book tour but blew up more than expected.
“I was dealing with women who had problems like me, but I didn’t really go to the root of it.”
Additionally, Mitchell was always in a Literature class writing something. She was officially published for the first time in the sixth grade in a poetry book and was still told that her writing wouldn't take her anywhere, but Ni'cola still did not let that batter her determination. When Mitchell entered high school, one of her main streams of income came from selling custom poetry. Hence from that point, Ni'cola continued writing, but she did not get serious until she was dared to write her first book at her graduation party. Her inspiration for her first book came from her past experiences in a "horrific relationship", according to Mitchell.
“I had to, number one, see that the program of Girls Who Brunch is much bigger than me making money.”
In the very beginning, Ms. Ni’cola had to learn to understand and accept that Girls Who Brunch was much bigger than what she was seeing with her naked eyes. “I had to, number one, see that the program of Girls Who Brunch is much bigger than me making money.” Although making money was important, Girls Who Brunch gave her a sense of motivation that she did not feel when working. At the BARE minimum, there are two hundred girls that attended the diverse and empowering Girls Who Brunch conference PER city. Girls Who Brunch gathers girls of various backgrounds and gives them a platform to share their stories with their peers. Ms. Ni’cola expressed that she grew very attracted to the Girls Who Brunch program but had to enforce a healthy balance between the Girls Who Brunch Tour and her career because her book tours were essentially, “financing the Girls Who Brunch Tour!”
Mitchell was always in a Literature class writing something. She was officially published for the first time in the sixth grade in a poetry book and was still told that her writing wouldn't take her anywhere, but Ni'cola still did not let that batter her determination. When Mitchell entered high school, one stream of income came from selling custom poetry. Hence from that point, Ni'cola continued writing, but she did not get serious until she was dared to write her first book at her graduation party. Her inspiration for her first book came from her past experiences in a "horrific relationship", according to Mitchell.
As an active and successful author, Ms. Ni'cola explained that she finds her inspiration to write within life experiences and topics that interest her. As a Contemporary fictional author Mitchell uses her writing to shed light on, sensitive topics in an entertaining and thought-provoking fashion.
Now Ni’cola Mitchell is recognized as a public figure anywhere she goes often refers to her as the 'Girls Who Brunch Lady', and although Mitchell recognizes that it is a great thing, she sometimes has to remind herself of who she is. "Like, I need to finish a book right now, but I'm over here worrying about the Gala…" Admitting that she sometimes gets lost, trying to make the Girls Who Brunch program better than the last for all the girls that attended
Being such an active and busy person, Ni'cola keeps herself organized with the help of reminder alerts, her calendar, and by sticking to her business hours, explaining that, "at five o'clock in the evening I turn my business line off." Also emphasizing that her relationship with each of the girls who brunch is one of the many things that keep her motivated to continue pushing forth with the program. She expressed that knowing that sharing her knowledge and stories is helping the girls that are a part of the program, gives her fuel. As an author, she finds her motivation through her clients. Elucidating that being a part of the process of bringing their story, "which is really like their baby, their kid," to life, is an honor on her end.
Ms. Ni'cola revealed that she has a curriculum in the works for the Girls Who Brunch Tour program. She also revealed that an app is also in the works. Emphasizing that the app will not be for Girls Who Brunch but will be affiliated with the program in a way. Currently, Ms. Ni'cola is working on a documentary for the Girls Who Brunch Tour program, but she plans to produce a movie for one of her works one day!
As an individual Ms. Ni'cola sees Girls Who Brunch in her future along with continued writing; and hopes to one day be able to say that one of the icons of the future started their journey with the Girls Who Brunch Tour program.
Ni'cola closed out her interview with us by saying, "Remember that there is only one you…so let's start believing in ourselves and stop looking at our counterparts and everybody that's around us… If we really find out who we are as a person we will all be great."
Make sure to stay up to date with us & Ms. Ni'cola Mitchell through our social media
More Questions with Ni'cola!
Said by XBlaze Magazine
Said by Ni'cola Mitchell
Who are you?
My name is Ni’cola Mitchell and I am a national best-selling author, Literary Expert, Blogger, and founder of Girls Who Brunch Tour.
When you think of Black History, what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Black History is the nation’s history. We have been some key players in almost every major component of the world. We have been visionaries, founders, the backbone, and the leaders of not only the United States, but the world, so that is why I feel that Black History is the world’s history.
When you think ‘Black Excellence’ who do you picture?
When I think of Black Excellence I see black teachers that’s main focus is to change the mindset of our community. I see Black Mother’s that are working hard to break generational curses within their families. I see leaders of organizations whose main goal is to create situations that will better our community. I see every one of my ambassadors that have established companies, striving as performers, and showing the world that they are difference makers in their community.
What is one word that describes you uniquely as an individual?
One word that describes me is eclectic.
Growing up, who were some African American figures that influenced/inspired you? Why did this person influence you? Do they still influence you?
Growing up Maya Angelou influenced me because she was a profound writer. A career path that I was always told was not lucrative, and not a real job. And yes she stills inspires me. She was soft spoken but very direct. She demanded respect and exhumed grace.
How do you honor Black History outside of the month of February?
I honor Black history every day by working within my organization Girls Who Brunch Tour. My goal is to make being smart Sexy and Cool. I want my brown and black babies to see me and know that they can be better than me.
If you could meet any historical figure in African American history, who would you choose? Why?
I would want to meet Nelson Mandela because his main focus was to spread love and peace.
As an ambitious and confident African American woman? What advice would you give to other women chasing their dreams?
I would tell other dream chasers to keep chasing but listen to God and your heart. Life and business gets hard, and your peers and family will encourage you to stop because they may not understand why you do what you do, but remember to keep your eye on the prize and listen out to God. He will not steer you wrong.
What is your favorite thing about Black Culture?
My favorite thing? Man…. I love everything about our culture. I love our music, our hair, our skin. I just love being black.
Are there any African countries you would like to visit someday?
I plan on visiting Zimbabwe and Ghana.
What is your favorite movie that honors Black History month?
Alex Haley’s Queen is my favorite movie.
Why are you proud to be Black?
I am proud to be black because I am proud to be me. We are beautiful, smart, and talented. Everyone culture has tried to implement us in the past and will continue in the future. I love being black.
How do you display Black Excellence?
I display Black Excellence by living my life like its Golden. I show my followers that Smart Black Girls are pretty and that we rock. I strive to show every girl that I comes across my path that they are beautiful and can do anything that they put their mind too. My goal is to lead by example.
Favorite quote this month?
Does this support the vibration that I plan to manifest?
Written by XBlaze Magazine | All Rights Reserved ©