Born and raised in Atlanta, the Wicker twins entered the social media industry roughly two and a half years ago, and from there, the sisters’ career blossomed and has been flourishing. The ladies started on Instagram before branching out into YouTube and additional platforms. At just fifteen years old, these sisters have even been invited to attend the BET Awards and even take the stage at the Coca-Cola event! They have also worked with numerous people!
Way before the Wicker Twinz account was created on Instagram Solai, and Yoni had their own personal accounts separately, but they later noticed that there were not many twins in the entertainment industry, pushing content out on a joint platform. Consequently, Yoni and Solai decided to change that by creating their own joint account on Instagram, “because if people like to see us separately, they’d definitely like to see us together” Solai expressed and she was completely correct! Now, The Wicker Twinz influence millions of people separately, and together on their joint platforms.
Solai and Yoni started modeling at the age of three. From three years old up to the age of twelve, these sisters would model during fashion shows on weekends, and attend school full-time on weekdays. The Wickers expressed that their interest in modeling came naturally since they were used to modeling for Urban Spice! During this period, Solai and Yoni would also perform spoken word pieces at different churches. This sparked recognition for them in their community. When the Wickers noticed that they were gaining more and more recognition, they decided to open their separate Instagram accounts. Unsought to them, this was the beginning of their journey as social media influencers. Not too long after, the sisters transitioned into the music industry. Yoni and Solai explained that they have always enjoyed jamming to music, but they openly stated that their brothers are the ones who introduced them to music and inspired them. With siblings who were already active in the music industry, the ladies had a leg up when it came to the production and release of music. Their brothers have even engineered the beat for two of their songs! Even though modeling and music were almost hereditary, dancing was the production of boredom for Yoni and Solai. The sisters revealed that they were both victims of... [PURCHASE DARE DOUBLES TO FINISH READING]